The Good News: we are a Narinia family, and we read in Publication Order like good citizens of the heavenly city.
The Bad News: Prince Caspian is nowhere to be found, and we just finished LWW with our four-year-old.

The Good News: we are a Narinia family, and we read in Publication Order like good citizens of the heavenly city.
The Bad News: Prince Caspian is nowhere to be found, and we just finished LWW with our four-year-old.
Well done, Arkansas State Parks, for rewarding a New Year’s hike! We tried a new trail at Devil’s Den State Park to kick off 2025 this year, and were happy to receive these stickers in the mail this week.
In an ideal world, I pray the Daily Office with real books and by candlelight. In this world, I often find myself listening to Morning and Evening Prayer. Over the break I created this Shortcut that will load and play the correct audio Office depending on the time of day. You can edit or remove the “Prayer Intentions” popup as needed.
The audio is from the folks at Forward Movement. It is faithfully updated with Readings for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer every single day—something sorely lacking in the dozens of versions of the audio Daily Office I have tried to date. It does not always match my rite or translation preferences, but it is consistently available. For that I am grateful!
Merry Christmas, from our filthy animals to yours!
A window pops up, blocking content, to encourage you to download the app for a better reading experience. In the app, a window pops up, blocking content, to encourage you to rate the app, since it is a better reading experience than the website. Because, remember, on the website a window pops up…
This is a key to the permanent home of Coram Deo Academy of Dallas! This campus was founded in 2006, and has been searching for a permanent home since 2018. Generations of families will benefit from the work of this community at this time; laudate Dominum.
If the goal of AI is to be on par with human sales representatives, then AI has arrived. Which is to say: AI is as bad as human sales representatives.
N.B. These offers are not even accurate when you follow the links.
An interesting homophone of topics from the last two podcasts I listened to: Serie A and Syria.
Men in Blazers for the former, and Honestly for the later.
meat + fire + patience
Thanksgiving week reading:
Oil and parts are not necessarily cheap, but it still remains a joy to pay the same to DIY an oil change on two vehicles—with full synthetic oil plus cabin, oil, and engine filters—for less than it costs to have someone else do the same for just one of your vehicles.
When I am able to sneak away for one night silent retreats, I often do so at a nearby Jesuit retreat center. A room was not available this week, so I took Bandit with me for one night of solo camping near Muenster, TX. It did not disappoint!
Audere est facare, indeed.
Are churches and schools trying to fully digitize their lives through over-reliance on a website, overuse of social media, and a felt need to embrace artificial intelligence at the same time that parents and parishioners are trying to wean themselves off these very things?
My latest favorite browser tool is Stay Free. In addition to outright blocking a myriad of domains to avoid distraction and doomscrolling, I also am a big fan of their Limits on the Go mode. Websites on this list will prompt you for a session-specific time limit each time you visit that site.
The Premier League instability at the top these past few matches is all fun and games until your team is responsible for Ipswich picking up their first PL win in over twenty years. At home. Come on (good grief), you Spurs!
In this bodies we will live; in these bodies we will die. Where you invest your love, you invest your life. Awake my soul. For you were made to meet your maker.
My goodness, do yourself a favor and watch the highlights of Real Madrid and Dortmund from today’s match.
The legendary Ray Hudson with the call. A poet of the beautiful game!
His legs are on fire, his heart is racing, but his head is in the refrigerator.
He knows where the goalposts are; he knows they ain’t movin’. He detonates this one with with extreme accuracy.
He moves in mysterious ways, as those old Irish lads used to sing.
While in New York on a family vacation we stopped by the Burke Library at Columbia to grab a quick picture with my Galatians book. Our youngest’s best question after we found it in the stacks: “Did you really think all of those words??”
I stumbled upon this brief text at church today, written by the 18th century Italian St. Alphonsus de Liguori.
His distinction between conformity with God’s will and uniformity is helpfully described in the definitions below. And in the illustration that follows he excellently explains why it matters—what is to be gained through the pursuit of uniformity.
Conformity is bending our will to the will of God. Uniformity is making one will of God’s will and ours, so that we will only what God wills; that God’s will alone is our will.
And here is why that “uniformity of will” is worth pursuing:
If souls resigned to God’s will are humiliated, says Salvian, “they want to be humiliated; if they are poor, they want to be poor; in short, whatever happens is acceptable to them, hence they are truly at peace in this life. In cold and heat, in rain and wind, the soul united to God says: “I want it to be warm, to be cold, windy, to rain, because God wills it.”
This is the beautiful freedom of the sons of God, and it is worth vastly more than all the rank and distinction of blood and birth, more than all the kingdoms in the world.
This is the abiding peace which, in the experience of the saints, “surpasseth all understanding.” (Phil. 4:7). It surpasses all pleasures rising from gratification of the senses, from social gatherings, banquets and other worldly amusements; vain and deceiving as they are, they captivate the senses for the time being, but bring no lasting contentment; rather they afflict man in the depth of his soul where alone true peace can reside.
Solomon, who tasted to satiety all the pleasures of the world and found them bitter, voiced his disillusionment thus: “But this also is vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Eccles. 4:16). “A fool,” says the Holy Spirit, “is changed as the moon; but a holy man continueth in wisdom as the sun.” (Eccus. 27:12). The fool, that is, the sinner, is as changeable as the moon, which today waxes and tomorrow wanes; today he laughs, tomorrow he cries; today he is meek as a lamb, tomorrow cross as a bear. Why? **Because his peace of mind depends on the prosperity or the adversity he meets; he changes with the changes in the things that happened to him. **
The just man is like the sun, constant in its serenity, no matter what betides him. **His calmness of soul is founded on his union with the will of God; hence he enjoys unruffled peace. **
I am wrapping up an essay on three recent tech commercials that each typify a distinct approach to the role of technology: (1) technology as a tool, (2) technology as an Everything Machine, and (3) technology as a replacement for human activity. The commercials are from Instacart, Apple, and Google.
After a denial last spring by a count of 5 (against) to 1, the City Council has now unanimously approved our permit that will allow us to purchase a permanent home for our campus in the City of Richardson. Very grateful to our community for rallying support and showing up en masse!
A sermon on rest, interruptions, and what it means to be human. Mark 6 is the primary text. Proper 11, the Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 2024.
By moving Jesus’s words about his body and blood out of the Last Supper and into the context of this chapter, what is John trying to reveal about humanity, and what is John trying to reveal about Jesus? A sermon for Proper 13 2024: the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost. The primary text is John 6:24-35.
The smile on Simone Biles' face at the end of her floor routine was the look of a woman who knows that she has run her race well, with all of its ups and downs. What an absolute joy to watch.